IHO joins campaign to speed up drug development
david churchman
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IHO joins campaign to speed up drug development

It’s well-known that the length of time it can take for new drugs to come to market can stifle innovation, and deprive patients from benefiting from new medication or treatments. So, the C-Path identifies hurdles to quick and efficient drug development and works with the industry to overcome these hurdles.

IHO are joining the C-Path’s eCOA Consortium, which provides scientific leadership and best practice guidance in electronic data capture technologies and services that support the collection of patient-focussed outcomes data in clinical trials.

The importance of capturing the patients’ voices in clinical trials is essential, and digitisation of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) will help improve the ease of this process as well as the quality of the information gathered.

Our expertise in nurturing relationships and understanding between the those who develop COAs and those wishing to deploy them electronically in their trials will be of benefit to the eCOA Consortium. For IHO, we’ll benefit from fostering stronger links with those we collaborate with in the clinical trial community.

More on the the C-Path eCOA Consortium.

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