The Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Symptom Scale (RUTISS)

Recurrent Urinary Tract Symptom Scale

The RUTISS is a brief Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measure (or PROM) for evaluating the patient experience of recurrent urinary tract infection (rUTI) symptom severity. Developed for clinical and research application, this 15-item questionnaire has excellent reliability and validity in assessing patient-reported rUTI symptom and pain severity. The RUTISS facilitates a fuller picture of the rUTI patient experience than clinical assessment alone, via rapid standardised evaluation of key rUTI symptoms.

The RUTISS is simple and quick to administer and score, and a scoring guide accompanies the measure once a licence is provided. Additional support packages are available from the developers on request, including assistance with study design, application of the RUTISS, and scoring and analysis of RUTISS data. Please contact us for further information.

Key Characteristics

Pathology: Urology

Disease / condition: Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (rUTI)

Objective: To measure the patient experience of rUTI symptom and pain severity

Respondent / target population age: 18 years and above

Type of Clinical Outcome Assessment: PRO

Number of items: 15 in total, comprised of:

· Section A - UTI symptom frequency, 3 items;

· Section B - global rating of change in symptom severity, 1 item;

· Section C - severity of UTI symptoms and pain/discomfort, 11 items.

Response scales: Section B of the RUTISS is a single item global rating of change in symptom severity, employing an 11-point Likert scale, with the central response (zero) representing “No change”, the left ranging from -1 to -5 (“Very much worse”), and the right ranging from +1 to +5 (“Very much better”). Section C of the RUTISS, that specifically focuses on assessing severity of symptoms and pain, uses an 11-point numerical rating scale (NRS) ranging from 0 – 10, with 0 = “Not present”, 1 = “Very mild”, and 10 = “Extremely severe”.

Domains / Concepts measured: Frequency of UTI symptoms (Section A), global change in UTI symptom severity (Section B), and severity of urinary symptoms and pain/discomfort (Section C). Section C contains 4 further sub-domains: ‘urinary symptoms’ (3 items), ‘urinary presentation’ (3 items), ‘UTI pain or discomfort’ (2 items), and ‘bodily sensations’ (3 items).
These domains perform robustly as statistically separate unidimensional scales and may be administered separately if required.

Recall period: Past 24 hours, for both Sections B (global change in severity of symptoms) and C (symptom severity).

Administration time: 3-5 minutes

Original (Development) language: English (multi-national)

Associated instruments: The Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Impact Questionnaire (RUTIIQ). The RUTIIQ is designed to measure the patient experience of the psychosocial impact of living with rUTI, and it is recommended that this is used alongside the RUTISS to capture a full evaluation of both patient-reported rUTI symptoms and quality of life impact. More information is provided below.

Development Team

Abigail Newlands*

Katherine Finlay*

Melissa Kramer*

Lindsey Roberts

Kayleigh Maxwell

Jessica Price


* Primary authors for contacting purposes

PARED Insights Research Lab

Key references

Newlands AF, Roberts L, Maxwell K, Kramer M, Price JL, Finlay KA. The Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Symptom Scale: Development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure. BJUI Compass. 2023;4(3):285-297.  

Newlands, A. F., Kramer, M., Roberts, L., Maxwell, K., Price, J. L., & Finlay, K. A. (2024). Confirmatory structural validation and refinement of the Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Symptom Scale. BJUI Compass, 5(2), 240-252. 



Date added: 28/11/2023

Last update: 15/01/2025